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reading group

An Amsterdam-based informal reading group focussed around the topic of museums and participation, offering a friendly forum to exchange ideas, raise questions and develop thinking around participatory practices. We read and take as inspiration journal papers, book chapter, project reports and blogs relating to community engagement, understanding audiences, realising the social value of museums and collections, and making museums and the stories they share more representative. Everyone is welcome! Get in touch if you want to come along.

Here are some of the things we have read, loosely grouped into themes. Most of these are open access.

Community participation practice - what is it all about?


Museums made up of people and practices - positionality   

Museums & activism

Disability & Inclusion

  • Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, 2018, 'Cripping the Apocalypse - Some of My Wild Disability Justice Dreams', in Care Work, Dreaming Disability Justice

Understanding audiences and our work


Projects & Ways of working

  • Stella Toonen, February 2022, 'Tate's Backward Step' on Arts Professional

  • Krasteva, Lora. ‘The civic role of cultural spaces in culture and immigration: Reflections from the Becoming […] projects’. Culture Caleidoscoop 1 (2022). DOI 10.57031/culcal.v1i1.12138

  • Luis, A. 2022. Keeping ourselves collected: Culture labs confront the Smithsonian's imperial legacy, Journal Museum Education 47:1

  • Five Faiths Project - Williams, Ray (2019) 'Welcoming (and Learning from) the Stranger: The Museum as a Forum for Interfaith Dialogue', Journal of Museum Education, 44:1, 34-40

  • Our Museum - Lynch, Bernadette (2015) 'A five year perspective from a critical friend' and Bienkowski, Piotr (2016) 'No longer us and them' 

  • Jasmijn Rana, M. Willemsen & H. C. Dibbits (2017) 'Moved by the tears of others: emotion networking in the heritage sphere', International Journal of Heritage Studies, 23:10

  • Ellis, S., 2021, 'Embodiment at the edge of the archive: private audience and public experience', Museum Innovation: Building More Equitable, Relevant and Impactful Museums, edited By Haitham Eid, Melissa Forstrom

The role of the museum today - new ICOM museum definition


Participation practice during COVID-19 

If you're looking for more reading ideas relating to museums and social justice, this is an amazing open collaborative resources: Social Justice and Museums resource list

For Dutch speakers, I also recommend looking at the Erfgoedparticipatie leeslijst, another open collaborative resource.

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